Glossary of library terms

Archipel : it is the name of the network of the Toulouse and Midi-Pyrénées university libraries, the name of their catalog, and the name of the website that provides access to their services and digital collections.
  Atrium : entrance hall of the Mirail Main Library. Exhibitions are sometimes held here.
  Base de données = databases : an organized set of documentary data, related to one or several themes, that allows access, using either keywords, subjects, or other information, to bibliographic references and/or to full text documents. Example: the Europresse database provides access to national press titles, including Le Monde, as well as to regional and international titles, like The Economist, Harvard Business. This database contains both general and specific subjects. 
  BUC ou BU centrale Mirail = Mirail Main Library (known as "BUC") : located on the Mirail campus, between the Arche building and the Maison de la Recherche, it offers a collection of documents on all the disciplines taught at the University Toulouse-Jean Jaurès.
Bibliothèques de l'ESPE (Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l'Education) = Teacher training institutes libraries : ten libraries, tree in Toulouse and one in each department of Midi Pyrénées.
  Bureau d'accueil = information desk : desk where you can ask for all kind of information, either practical or documentary.
  Bureau de prêt = circulation desk : Desk where you can borrow and/or return your documents.
  Carte de lecteur = reader card : it is either your student or staff MUT card, or your Archipel network card, with which you can borrow and return documents in all the libraries of the network of the Universities of Toulouse.
  Carte de photocopie = copy and print card (COREP) : it allows you to print and photocopy documents in any library of the Archipel network. You can also use it in every COREP shop in town.
Centre de ressources = resource center
: name given to the specialized libraries hosted in each University Department on the Mirail campus (see the list), including in the branch campus situated in Foix.
  Code-barres = barcode : it is the label tagged onto the document cover (books, CDs, etc) which identify every copy of a document in a unique manner.
CollEx Etudes ibériques : the BUC department which is in charge of collecting works concerning the Iberian Peninsula, this collection concerns the fields of language, literature, and history.
  Communication sur bulletin = store request / consultation form : Some items are stored in closed-access areas. Only staff members have access to them. All you have to do is to fill this consultation form, and a librarian will gladly fetch the document(s) for you.
  Compte lecteur = reader-account : From the Archipel catalog, you can access your library account, where you can manage your loans, check your due dates. For example, you can « Renouveler » (=renew) a loan, or « Réserver » (=booking) a document that is already borrowed.
  Cote = call number : label that you find on the spine of the books and in the online Archipel catalog. It helps you find a particular book on the shelves.
Example: 823.9 TOL, or ME 495.
  Date de retour (sur Archipel) = due date : it is the date on which you need to return your items to the library. It appears in the mail that you receive after each loan. You can check the due date anytime by logging in to your reader-account.
  Document = materiel, item : term used to designate books, films, journals, CDs, CD-ROMs, printed scores, that is, all kinds of documents owned by the library.
  Durée de prêt = loan period : period of time during which the document(s) you have borrowed remain registered on your reader-card. It can be prolonged by renewing the loan(s) by logging in to your reader-account.
  EDR : Espace Documentation Recherche = Documentation and Research Center : located on the 2nd floor-South of the Mirail Main Library, it gathers all the documentation centers of the different research laboratories of the University.
  Electronique = en ligne = numérique = electronic = online = digital
  Exemplaire = copy : there may be several copies of the same book. In the online Archipel catalog, the copies appear beneath the bibliographic record of the document.
  Libre-accès = open stacks (= open shelves) : used for those library spaces, either rooms or stores, where documents are freely accessible to the public.

Localisation = location : in the online Archipel catalog, it indicates where you can find the book in the library. Example: "3rd floor-South/Social Sciences," or "Reading Room – Groundfloor."

  Magasin = closed stacks : document storage space. Some stores are freely accessible to the public. Others follow a restricted-access policy. You will then need to fill in a store request/consultation form to obtain the document.
  Notice bibliographique = bibliographic record : resource description : title, author, editor, number of pages, ISSN/ISBN
  Numérique = électronique = en ligne = electronic = online = digital
  Périodique = serial = periodical : term used to refer to any document that is issued over a certain period of time, like journals, magazines, newspapers.
  Prêt = borrowing : term used when you register a document onto your reader-card. You can borrow documents only for limited periods of time, but you can renew a loan by logging in to your reader-account.


PEB ou Prêt entre bibliothèques = Interlibrary Loan Service : this service allows you to obtain a document that is not owned by any library in Toulouse, either university libraries, research centers, or public libraries. The document can come from any other French libraries, but also from foreign ones.

  Renouveler un prêt = to renew a loan : if you need your documents longer than scheduled, you can renew your loan(s) and prolong the due date by logging directly in to your reader-account. Watch out ! Documents lent over short periods are generally not renewable.
  Réserver un document = to book a document : if you need to borrow a document that has already been borrowed by another reader, it is still possible to reserve it. All you need to do is to log in to your reader-account, and select the copy of the document you want to reserve. When it is available again, you will be notified by mail to fetch it at the loan desk.
  Retour = returning : term used when you need to bring back your document(s) to the library. You need to respect a due date, but you can prolong it by renewing your loan(s) by logging in to your reader-account.
  Salle de travail en groupe= group study room : library space devoted to group study. It is possible to make a reservation for a particular time slot.

SCD ou Service Commun de la Documentation 
= Documentation Service of the University Libraries

  SICD = Inter-Institutional Service for Documentary Cooperation : service belonging to the ComUE (or Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions), this inter-institutional service provides the libraries part of the Archipel network with a set of services that make it possible to reduce the work load of internal services, and so to provide better quality public service. For example, the Inter-Institutional Service for Documentary Cooperation helps us to manage the computer system of network of the University libraries. Read more (french).

Statut du document (sur Archipel) = document status : in the catalog, the document can have different statuses :

En commande = copy ordered : the document has been ordered. The library is waiting for the delivery.
En traitement = in process : the document has just been delivered. It is now being catalogued, covered, labeled, and so forth. It is not yet borrowable.
En rayon = available : the document is on the shelf, waiting for you.
Emprunté = unavailable : the document has borrowed by someone else. The due date appears beside the status.
Perdu = lost : the document has been overdue for quite a long time by an absent-minded or indelicate reader. The due date appears beside the status.
Manquant = missing : after a thorough process of verifications and inventories, the document can't be found anywhere in the library.
  Sudoc = Catalog of French University Libraries : it is the system used by the French universities and other higher education establishments to identify all the documents (whatever their format, language, or discipline) that we find in their libraries and documentation centers. It allows you to know if the document that you're looking for is owned by another university library, and so to contact the Inter Library Loan service of your library.
  Wifi = wireless access : any student, professor or staff member can get access to the wireless network by using your Virtual Learning Environment (ENT) identifier and password.